Rodney House Specialist Support School

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Rodney House School, Albert Grove, Longsight, Manchester, M12 4WF

0161 230 6854

Rodney House Specialist Support School

Specialist Support School and Outreach Service

  1. Safeguarding


Rodney House aims to create and maintain a safe learning environment where all children and adults feel safe, secure and valued and know they will be listened to and taken seriously. Our school is committed to the principles outlined in 'Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023' and implements policies, practices and procedures which promote safeguarding and the emotional and physical well being of children, young people and staff.


Key staff in school

Debbie Morley - Headteacher with overall responsibility for Safeguarding and protecting all children in school ( or 07930738896)

Carmen Malpas - Deputy Headteacher - Designated Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection/Early Help/Looked After Children ( or 07539741897)   

Hannah Jones -  Assistant Headteacher - Designated Person ( or 07963395042)

Jane Broadhurst - Teacher - Designated Person (

Solange Timms - Parent Support Officer- Designated person (

Claire Redrobe - Named Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection

Donna Griffin - Manager RHOSEY service - Designated person (   

Sue Churchill -Deputy Manager RHOSEY Outreach service- Designated person (


Please click here to view the safeguarding policy leaflet   

Pupil Voice

All pupils will know that there are adults in the school whom they can approach in confidence if they are in difficulty or feeling worried that their concerns will be taken seriously and treated with respect.  At Rodney House School we have the responsibility to ensure all pupils are able to communicate their thoughts, wishes and feelings; this is promoted through their own reports for meetings/through conversations and observation/social stories/therapeutic approaches/advocating on their behalf. 


In our Ofsted inspection of June 2023 Behaviour and Safety was judged as Outstanding.

Please click here for our Safeguarding policy in full 


Click on the link to see our Training statement.


As part of Rodney House School's commitment to keeping children safe we have signed up to implement the principles and aims of the Encompass model.


Click on the link for Operation Encompass.


 The NSPCC helpline is: 0800 800 5000 Please click here for a range of dedicated NSPCC numbers