Cognition and Learning
Cognition and Learning is one of four areas of need outlined within the SEND code of practice and within children’s EHCP’s. It has been re-framed as an area of learning within our Explorer learning Pathway at Rodney House.
Cognition and Learning offers a flexible, creative and personalised way to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding across a range of subject areas, whilst motivating them through exciting, inter-relating activities. We begin by identifying children’s individual needs, interests and capabilities and use a multi-disciplinary approach to identify learning priorities. Throughout the year, children focus on different learning contexts to engage their interests. They are cross-curricular and incorporate the teaching of; ‘Story and Interaction’, ‘Creativity and Interaction’, ‘Music’, ‘The World Around Me’, and ‘Problem Solving and Exploration’. Our Explorer curriculum is broad, balanced and sequenced and is designed to develop the knowledge and personal development children need to become active learners, moving towards fulfilment and independence.
Developing motor skills through creative activities |
Using a switch to operate a blender |
Using different Apps on the iPad to show cause and effect |
Using a TEACCH station to complete tasks | Burst pause games during Music Therapy |
Using adjectives to describe objects