Rodney House Specialist Support School

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Rodney House School, Albert Grove, Longsight, Manchester, M12 4WF

0161 230 6854

Rodney House Specialist Support School

Specialist Support School and Outreach Service

  1. Statutory Information
  2. The Curriculum

The Curriculum


There are two Rodney House  curriculum pathways 'Investigators' and 'Explorers'. We are proud to have created a curriculum model which is designed around the needs of our children and have thought carefully about its design to ensure meaningful progression of skills and knowledge across the whole curriculum which promotes deep learning and understanding. 

All pupils have individual targets that are drawn from the Education Health and Care plan. Teachers plan for children to have opportunity to work towards these targets through small group, one to one input and through whole class sessions.

Rodney House pathways (click to open) 

These act as a menu for teachers to select the most appropriate learning sessions for the children in their group

A topic is used as a driver for the the curriculum and provides a context for the learning. 

Repetition of activities throughout the year ensures children have the opportunity to consolidate and develop their skills. At all levels children are encouraged to be independent learners.

Learning outside the classroom allows children to develop and apply independence and life skills. We regularly take trips into the local community such as visiting the supermarket with a shopping list or practising walking independently on a visit to the park.

Explorer Pathway

 Our pre-formal curriculum takes a holistic view of learners and focuses on how best they learn. Teachers have a clear remit to ensure that the curriculum is flexible and adaptable to meet each pupil’s individual need whilst taking account of the atypical patterns of development which impact on learner’s ability to process new information and stimuli. Our pre-formal curriculum places relationships at the heart of all learning and recognises the fundamental principles of intensive interaction. Learners are extremely unique with individual learning needs and as such it is impossible to force them to fit into a formal and structured framework.  

Explorer Topic Cycle (Click to open)


Investigator Pathway

The investigator curriculum builds on the multisensory foundations laid within the explorer curriculum. It is a semi formal curriculum where subject areas are taught discretely and reinforced by a cross curricular approach throughout the day. Lessons follow a simple structure with concepts reinforced and generalised in different contexts. 


Investigator Topic Cycle (Click to open)



A bespoke EYFS curriculum has also been developed. 





 To find out more about our school curriculum please speak to your class teacher - topic booklets are available on each class web page. 

Alternatively you can speak to Hannah Jones- Assistant Head leading on Curriculum