Rodney House Specialist Support School

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Rodney House School, Albert Grove, Longsight, Manchester, M12 4WF

0161 230 6854

Rodney House Specialist Support School

Specialist Support School and Outreach Service

  1. RHOSEY Outreach
  2. Outreach for Families

World Down Syndrome Day

The Rodney House Outreach for Families Team is a city wide educational service for children aged between 0-5 who have a Special Educational Need and/or Disability (SEND) and meet the following criteria: 

  • Child is not attending any early years setting/school.
  • Child has a disability/condition that is impacting on their development
  • Cognition and learning within their development, has a significant delay.

Learning takes place through group/individual session. The aims of the team are to provide effective learning support for children and to equip parents with the skills and confidence they will need to support their child's development.

An individual, flexible package of support will be provided depending on the needs of the child and family. 

Parents/carers are recognised to know their child best and RHOSEY builds on this knowledge. 

We offer practical help and ideas alongside planned small step play activities to encourage new skills and help children to reach their full potential through regular sessions by appointment.

The team will liaise with Early Years Settings and schools to ensure a smooth transition for children when appropriate.

Request for RHOSEY for families support:

We have an open referral system and can accept referrals from parents, carers and professionals.

The child’s parent/primary carer must agree to be available to meet and work with the RHOSEY worker on a regular basis and a parental signature must been obtained, giving consent to the referral.


Click here for RHOSEY Families criteria and referral form                                                                                                                                 

 RHOSEY Outreach for families groups